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Fourth Trimester Workshop Module 1

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Attachment Parenting Breastfeeding Baby Products Review 2.5 hours Price/couple

200 Singapore dollars

Service Description

Module 1: Foundations of Attachment Parenting, Breastfeeding, and Baby Products Review As a new parent, you want to provide the best possible start for your baby. The first module of the Fourth Trimester course offers a comprehensive overview of the essential components of early childhood development, including: I.) Foundations of Attachment Parenting: Creating a Strong Bond with Your Baby In this section, you will learn about Attachment Parenting techniques to establish a strong and healthy bond with your baby. We will provide you with the tools and knowledge necessary to promote emotional stability and long-term well-being for your child. II.) Nourishing Your Baby: Mastering Breastfeeding Breastfeeding can be a rewarding and bonding experience between you and your baby, but it can also present challenges. In this section, we will cover the basics of breastfeeding, including different positions for optimal feeding and how to recognize and troubleshoot common issues such as sore nipples, engorgement, and latching difficulties. You will also learn how to seek support and find resources to help you on your breastfeeding journey. Our goal is to help you feel confident and empowered as you nourish your baby with breast milk. III.) Evaluating Baby Products: Essential, Wasteful, or Harmful Navigating the world of baby products can be overwhelming. In this section, we will help you make informed decisions about which products are essential for your baby's health and development. We will also identify products that are a waste of your money and those that may even be harmful to your child's growth. Our class is designed to give you the knowledge and confidence to make informed decisions for your baby's well-being. Join us to learn how to create a strong bond with your baby, nourish them with confidence, and choose the best products for their development. Duration: 2.5 hours Price is per couple SAVE & BOOK A PACKAGE! CLICK THE 'PACKAGES PAGE'

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